Regardless of what sport you play, being able to see accurately is vital to your safety and your ability to play the sport well. If you live in the Las Vegas area, trust your eye care needs with Kopolow & Girisgen Doctors of Optometry. We can schedule an initial appointment to ensure your vision is perfect.
Sports vision is the physical and visual aspects of an athlete’s eyes. When you visit the optometrist for sports vision, the exam includes making sure the eyes are healthy, and taking care of any injuries that occurred during training and competition. It also includes advice on how to protect the athlete’s sight from injury during physical activities, and how to enhance your current eyesight for peak performance.
Sports vision is important because healthy and accurate vision can help increase your response time, and it can enhance your hand-eye coordination. It can also make it easier for you to accurately and quickly judge the distance and speed of any targets and improves your abilities to see objects in motion.
There are a few things you can do to keep your eyes healthy. Ensure you eat a well-balanced diet that includes plenty of green leafy vegetables, oily fish, non-meat protein sources like eggs and nuts, oranges and other citrus fruits and oysters and pork. If you smoke, it is a good idea to quit. Smoking can lead to cataracts and other types of damage to the optic nerve. Always wear sunglasses in sunlight and safety glasses on the job or when operating machinery. Also, avoid staring at a computer screen for too long at a sitting.
If you are an athlete and live in the Las Vegas area, contact Kopolow & Girisgen Doctors of Optometry at 702-452-2020 for our Pearle Vision locations to schedule an appointment for your next eye care visit